Всем привет стал обладателем сего зверька, у кого-то есть Service repair manual на Kawasaki kx250f 2014 в pdf ?
Может есть желающие скооперироваться и купить?
или куплю у того, кто уже купил
Translate Ingles
Hello everyone, I became the owner of this animal, does anyone have a Service repair manual for a Kawasaki kx250f 2014 in pdf?
Maybe there are those who want to cooperate and buy?
or buy from someone who has already bought
Translate Portugues Brasil
Olá a todos, tornei-me o dono deste animal, alguém tem um manual de reparação de uma Kawasaki kx250f 2014 em pdf?
Talvez haja quem queira cooperar e comprar?
ou compre de alguém que já comprou
Может есть желающие скооперироваться и купить?
или куплю у того, кто уже купил
Translate Ingles
Hello everyone, I became the owner of this animal, does anyone have a Service repair manual for a Kawasaki kx250f 2014 in pdf?
Maybe there are those who want to cooperate and buy?
or buy from someone who has already bought
Translate Portugues Brasil
Olá a todos, tornei-me o dono deste animal, alguém tem um manual de reparação de uma Kawasaki kx250f 2014 em pdf?
Talvez haja quem queira cooperar e comprar?
ou compre de alguém que já comprou